How We Ensure the Best Communication with Our Clients

Trusted by 140+ homeowners

21+ years of industry experience

36 craftsmen and women

You want to know how we manage to have an open and transparent communication with  our clients? It’s a simple instrument in our toolbox that makes your remodeling process a super easy, quick, and effortless experience.

It’s an online portal that puts clients virtually on the job site. It’s where you can view your reno project in real time, see daily photos, progress, your timeline, and it even has a built-in messaging tool where you can leave us notes!

Want to learn more about the tool that helps you and us go through your project in the best way possible? Read on!

A kitchen island with a beautiful white counter and overhead lights

Communication With Our Clients: Always A priority

You, the homeowner, are a key player in any remodeling project. And the best teams on the field have the best communication. All of our Lakeview Home Improvements clients have 24/7 access to their projects via an online portal.

Our clients want to view their kitchen or bathroom update in real-time. They want to track progress. They want a mechanism to choose upgrades and have everyone on the project updated on the change. They want a system that they can access anytime, from anywhere. 

But is there such tool that makes everything seem so easy?

Technology lends a hand.

Lakeview chose JobTread, a single platform packed with powerful features to bring your entire renovation together. We found that it’s the easiest way to stay organized, improve day-to-day processes, and bring communication to the next level.

What Is JobTread?

Using this tool ensures our customers can communicate with us on their own time, day or night. Besides this, our team has one central place to check for information and updates regarding your project.

JobTread is a powerful project management tool for us, with huge benefits for our East Tennessee clientele:

Communication with clients is critical. Our modern lifestyles can sometimes mean calls can’t be taken, or emails get missed. By using JobTread, a lot of those hurdles are gone.

LVP flooring and a cactus on the ground

Our Customers Love Transparency

We’re proud to offer the utmost level of transparency. Even when the schedule slips, our clients appreciate honesty. I always want to be upfront rather than being in a position of trying to hide the bumps in the road.

We noticed our Tennessee customers value the modern project management approach offered by JobTread. Even users that profess to be non-technical say that they love the visual nature of the portal. They just enjoy watching their remodel project come together, from new kitchens to bathroom updates.

“Having an app with the remodel schedule and regular updates was amazing. It was exciting to check every day and see photos of real progress. Even if we were traveling, we could see progress and know what was next on the calendar. It was a great tool in reducing the stressfulness of the reno process for us!”

Our staff at Lakeview Home Improvements can help you in realizing your remodeling dreams. We are a remodeling leader in Knoxville and East Tennessee. We specialize in kitchen, bathroom, and deck remodels, following best practices to deliver you the highest quality in the industry

If you’re ready to start your project and upgrade the comfort of your bathroom, this is your chance! Request a quote and we’ll contact you within two days, or call us directly at (865) 801-4545 to get started right away!

A bathroom with large gray tile flooring